

1lb Kangkung [also called Water Spinach or Water Convolvulus], washed well in water, drained and cut into 2-3 inch lengths

3 tbsp peanut or vegetable oil

1½ tsp sugar


2 tbsp dried shrimp

3 tbsp or to taste, chili paste

6 shallots, peeled

4 cloves garlic, peeled

2 tsp belacan, also spelt belachan or blacan [dried shrimp paste]

[Items  in red to be ground or blended]

To Prepare :

Soak dried prawns in hot boiling water till softened, drain, reserve some of the liquid

Using a mortar & pestle or blender, grind the softened dried prawns, shallots, garlic, belacan, chili paste into a chunky paste

Heat wok on high, add 2 tbsp peanut or vegetable oil, stir-fry the paste for 1-2 mins, reduce heat cook until quite toasted and turns a shade darker - careful not to burn!

Add the kangkung, sugar, and salt if necessary [*Note: belacan is salty]

Stir-fry on high heat, about 2-3 mins

Dish onto a serving dish while it is still quite crisp and serve hot immediately

Variation : Other suitable vegetables for this 'Belacan' recipe: Asparagus, Okra [Ladies fingers], Spinach, Long beans [also called Snake beans or Yard-long beans], Green beans, Eggplant, [Sabah] Wild Jungle Ferns and Broccolini. What is Broccolini? Broccolini, or it's highbrow name "Asparation," is a cross between Broccoli and Chinese Kale [Kai Lan or Gai Lan]. It is also marketed as "Baby Broccoli" - a hybrid vegetable that is tender, sweet, slightly peppery and completely edible, from slim stems to broccoli-like head of flowering buds.

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