...Having Your Own Personal Grocery Store at Your Finger Tips Will Provide A Sense of Security Just Knowing You Can Be Entirely Self-Sufficient.
With these two books you will learn:
How to select delicious foods — packed with nutrition — optimized for shelf life — and easy to store. If you just go out and purchase some ready made food storage package, you may end up eventually throwing it away if you don't understand what is in your food!
How to begin right now to customize a food storage program based on your own family’s needs – storage for 3 days, 2 weeks, 6 months, a year — as many days as you can handle — at your own pace.
Store properly so that you can smoothly incorporate your food storage items into your daily lives right now as well as for later, should an emergency occur.
Buy smart and quit wasting your money! Learn to avoid purchasing the wrong items.
Search and destroy the toxic foods in your diet so you can improve your health and survive a catastrophe or national emergency.
My system encourages you to start eating smarter TODAY so you can store healthy food intelligently.
Find out more here